Learn the best work from home tips for moms that are working from home and plan to work from home sometime in the future. Working from home as either a home business or working for a company is gaining in popularity. Many women have joined the many women who are working part-time from home to supplement their income. Many go full-time straight away or progress to full-time after gaining in turnover.
Working sounds great but there are many pitfalls and is only for people who can self-motivate and perform outside a regular office environment. Many people find it difficult to avoid the many distractions that are present in households.
1. Structure your day properly
Try to make it as similar to a work situation as you can. Set your alarm get yourself into the shower and prepare as if you are going to work. Don’t sit in your pajamas and get up at 10 pm; this does not get you into the right mind for a day of work. Try to keep to office hours. This may depend on your circumstances i.e. you have kids but try your best.
2. Set up a proper office
Try to use a spare room or active space and equip it like a proper office. Using the kitchen table is fine for a while but if you are going to be serious then spend that little extra.
3. Take regular breaks
Just like in an office work environment, you need a breakaway. Get yourself away from the office and maybe take a short walk to stench your legs.
4. Let friends and family know
You are working so that means you can’t phone anytime and pop around for coffee! These are distractions you don’t need.
5. Make a to-do list
Put the most important items at the top and work your way down ticking them off as you achieve them. Also, have a long-term goal list. Get yourself a pip-up board and stick notes on it, contacts you need to follow, and phone calls to be made today. This will help you work efficiently.
6. Make sure you understand the tax situation
Before you start working. Get help and advice from somebody in the know. Don’t neglect this side it could cost you a lot of time and worry later on.
7. Don’t overload yourself
Working is hard enough but with kids in the house, it can become impossible. Ask to see if your partner or family can take them off your hands for a while so you can get some work done.
8. Loneliness can be a problem
Home working has many benefits but one downside is you can start to feel lonely. Take yourself out and sit with your laptop with a coffee in one of the many Wi-Fi cafes. Many home workers do this so don’t feel you will look odd!
9. Getting away from online distractions
Facebook and Twitter can take more of your time than you actually realize. Try to only check Facebook, Twitter, and email only twice a day at most. Give yourself 10 to 15 mins twice a day. One technique is to work for 30 mins nonstop take 5 mins then start again with another 30 mins. Get yourself a stop watch or use an online tool. This technique can really help you focus on the task and help you become much more productive.
10. Keep your workspace tidy!
Take any books and papers and put them away. Once you have finished don’t go back to it later on. You need your time away from work that you can call your own.